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Friend Quotes Love Quotes 1 Love Quotes 2 Quotes by My Friends and Me Fun Quotes Movie Quotes 1 Movie Quotes 2 Book Quotes Book Quotes 2


This is a page designed for people to easily find quotes that I find interesting. I have divided these quotes up by category so it is easier to find what you are looking for. So click on a link and get started! I guarentee you will like what you find! If you have a quote that you want to submit or you just like, then feel free to contact me. There is also a page of quotes and poems written by me and my friends. So get started and have fun!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the quotes on any of these pages. I have mentioned the name of the person who said the quote if it was available. Any quotes on the "Quotes by My Friends and Me" page do, however belong to me and my friends.